Fraser Island 3 day/ 2 night self drive tour

  • Fraser island self drive
  • Tubing in Eli Creek
  • Rock pools at Fraser Island
  • Lake Wabby with Cool Dingo tours

Fraser Island is famous for more than 100 fresh water lakes! Explore Lake McKenzie, Lake Wabby and Eli Creek. As there are no roads on the islands, you’ll need a 4WD to get around. Guess what, your personal 4WD is included in this trip. Are you ready to drive yourself around on this 2 night adventure?

Driver Requirements: 

To drive on Fraser you MUST be 21 or over with a FULL manual license. You must have held this license for a minimum of 1 year and you must have the license with you.


  • All food for Fraser island
  • All camping equipment (optional sleeping bag costs $10)
  • All camping permits, national park and vehicle permits
  • Return ferry transfer (4x4s escorted onto ferry)
  • Fuel for 4x4s
  • 4WD driver training on the beach
  • All 4x4s have iPod / MP3 adaptor cables
  • Luggage storage and safety deposit
Day 1 : Depart Rainbow Beach, Lake McKenzie
The day starts with a morning brief at Dingos Resort for the following: Pack cars, check equipment, Dingo’s safety, and driver briefing. At 9.30am you depart for Fraser Island. You drive approx 10 minutes to the barge (ferry). Then you drive for 1 hour to the Eurong resort along 75 miles of  beach… Fraser Island’s own highway with speed limits!  After a quick coffee break the ride continues to the famous Lake McKenzie. Here we stop for some lunch, and for some quality time to have a play in the amazing clear waters with your new found friends! Around 3pm we drive up the beach to our campsite, for an early dinner and some well deserved drinks and fun!
Day 2 : Eli Creek, Maheno shipwreck, Indian head
The busiest day on Fraser Island. We head off to see Eli creek, a beautifully clear creek perfect for a relaxing swim. Travelling north we then stop at Maheno shipwreck for some photos and short history lesson about this famous Fraser Island icon. Shortly after we travel up to Indian head, Fraser Island’s highest point. From here you may be lucky enough to see whales and sharks in the ocean, before we travel to Champagne pools for a dip! We have lunch at either Maheno shipwreck or Champagne pools on Day 2 depending on time constraints, safety, and beauty! In the afternoon we travel back to camp for dinner and drinks.
Day 3 : Lake Wabby, Return to Rainbow Beach
Start with breakfast, before our cleaning and take down of our camp site. We then drive to the beginning of the Lake Wabby walk, where we walk through the sand dunes to this tropical paradise! Then we’ll have lunch before we begin our drive back to the barge. Once back on the mainland we head back to the 4WD shed where you unpack and quickly clean the cars. We return to Dingos Resort between 3pm and 4pm.